
  • 功能:天花板裝飾和空間分隔
  • 場景:咖啡館
  • 城市:北京

旺池是一家位於上海世紀環塔的餐廳,設計獨特。 餐廳的名字 「旺池」 意為 「月光之城」,設計師們從川藏地區日月的視覺符號中汲取靈感。

餐廳採用金屬線圈窗簾作為天花板裝飾,不僅美觀,而且富有創意。 半透明的金屬線圈窗簾裝飾在聚光燈的投射下,光明和黑暗交織在一起,就像在雲層中流動的月光,為整個餐廳增添了一種神秘感和浪漫感。 這樣的設計讓人彷彿置身於夢幻的月光城市,令人耳目一新。

A man passes through the metal coil drapery
Several people are visiting the Cafe at nightfall.
A gust is standing in the yard of the Cafe.
The ceiling is decorated with metal coil drapery.
A girl with purple hair is standing before the metal coil drapery.
Metal coil drapery is installed on the corridor between 2 rooms.
The metal coil drapery divides the resting area into several spaces.
You can see the eaves on the opposite side from the metal coil drapery


  • 材質:
  • 顏色:金色
  • 線徑:1.2毫米
  • 光圈:6.5毫米